Home Work Remote Rewards: Engaging and Recognizing Employees in a Scattered Workforce

Remote Rewards: Engaging and Recognizing Employees in a Scattered Workforce

Remote Rewards: Engaging and Recognizing Employees in a Scattered Workforce

The past decades have witnessed the idea of work being turned into a new paradigm. The cuddling cubes and water cooler conversations have become history.

Currently, a big part of the workforce has shifted to the work-from-home setup, which is usually far from cities, states, and even continents. This virtual environment brings up different issues, especially employee remuneration and awarding.

The old-fashioned reward system for the employees usually consisted of anything that could be touched – the trophy on the wall, the gift card, or even a nice lunch.

Nevertheless, in a distant area, these ordinary ways of presenting the issues are not effective anymore. How do you laurel a team member in Seattle for his/her amazing work when high fives and celebratory pizzas aren’t feasible options?

Nevertheless, remote managers need not worry because we will explore creative ways to make your virtual team happy and stimulated. Moreover, we will take a closer look at the Terryberry service awards and their vital role in this present-day trend of recognition.

The Disconnect: Challenges of Rewarding Remote Teams

Although managing remote teams has many positive sides, the challenges of giving credit to them for their work can be tough. Here’s why:

  • Out of Sight, Out of Mind: The feeling of isolation is something that remotely working employees sometimes experience. The absence of being physically present diminishes the possibility for managers to observe their everyday activities and their contributions. It will result in the loss of the chance for recognition, and the feeling of being unloved will be the outcome.
  • The Comparison Trap: In a normal office environment, seeing colleagues having their awards and recognition can be a motivating factor. But at the same time, in a remote environment, this can be a two-sided sword. If recognition is not visible or is not spread all over the team, the remote employees would feel left out.
  • One-Size-Doesn’t-Fit-All: Different people are driven by different kinds of things. A present card to a nearby coffee shop might be the thing for one employee, while the other one might like some extra working time. The hard part is to know what the people in a spread workforce are like.

Bridging the Distance: Solutions for Rewarding Remote Employees

Consequently, how do we bridge this gap and make sure that remote employees feel respected and appreciated? Here are some creative solutions to consider:

  • Embrace Public Recognition: Although a virtual pat on the back may not be as personal, the best way to publicly recognize achievements is during video calls, company-wide emails, or a dedicated online recognition platform. Finger-shaking from peers can be very inspirational, creating a feeling of friendship and team spirit.
  • Get Personal with Rewards: Find out what fits the remote employees’ habits and make it as much similar to the on-site working practices as possible. Do they believe this would be the right opportunity for their personal growth? You can also propose to pay for the online course or the certification, which is in the line of their profession. Do they have a strong preference for a certain cause? Be generous and give to the organization that they cherish in their name.
  • Focus on Flexibility: Remote work is a type of work that provides you with the flexibility to choose the time and place of your work. Firstly, consider giving remote employees the option to work flexible hours or a compressed workweek as a reward for outstanding results. Thus, they can manage their work and life more effectively, which is usually a high priority for remote workers.
  • Experiences over Things: Don’t make the same mistake your classmates did and just buy the same gift cards. Lack of physical presence among remote workers may lead to the generation of better experiences. Plan online team-building events such as online escape rooms or game nights. At first glance, it may seem like this is just another thing to look forward to at the end of the week, but it’s a great way to maintain well-being, and at the same time, it could make your professional life easier. It’s done through services such as meditation apps or language learning platforms.
  • Peer-to-Peer Recognition: Promote your team to realize each others’ good deeds. Make a system where the staff can “high five” each other virtually or nominate their colleagues for the awards. It creates a culture of admiration, and therefore, team bonds are strengthened.

For example, the Terryberry service awards are a key part of the modern observation strategies for distant teams. The awards are solid proof of the appreciation, which connects the distance and the person who feels that one of his works is successful.

Through the provision of a diverse type of customizable awards, Terryberry meets the personal needs and achievements of remote employees, thus making the recognition more individualistic and impactful.

Building a Culture of Appreciation: It’s All About Connection

In the end, employee rewards in a remote work environment are not just about the gifts or the money, but rather, they are about the recognition of the work being done.

It’s about the development of a culture of appreciation where the employees feel they are valued, they are connected, and motivated.

By carrying out these ideas and encouraging communication, you can make sure your remote team grows, no matter the location.

Do not forget that a glad and appreciated workforce is a hard-working workforce. Hence, give the remote employees’ efforts proper recognition, and you’ll witness your virtual team performing at its best.

So keep track of the employee recognition and rewards in your remote team, and notice the beneficial effect it has on engagement, motivation, and overall company success.

Rather than perceiving the problems of rewarding remote employees as the stumbling blocks, view them as the chances for growth and connection. Here’s to the success of your remote team – cheers.