Home Tech How to Protect Your Valuable Data While Using Google Drive?

How to Protect Your Valuable Data While Using Google Drive?

How to Protect Your Valuable Data While Using Google Drive?

Google Drive is arguably the most popular cloud platform in the entire world. It’s used by tens of millions of people. When you consider Google’s affordable plans, flexible packages, and robust security, it’s not hard to see why Google Drive is as popular as it is.

However, something worth noting is that even with Google’s robust defenses, there are ways for hackers to compromise people’s accounts. In a world where data is very valuable to thieves, you need to do everything you can to protect yours.

This post will explore this topic in more detail and tell you how you can protect the data stored on your Google Drive.

Google’s Security Features

You don’t necessarily need to outsource Google Drive security, because Google itself does everything it can to protect its customers. You are in good hands. The platform offers enhanced Google Drive security for its customers.

However, if you run a business and rely on software, including Google Drive, it’s worth investing in some kind of security.

Layering protection and using third-party services to protect your data can be an extremely effective way to deter criminals from hassling you and stealing your data.

If you do plan on hiring a security firm to help you protect your data, you need to make sure you find one with good reviews. A company’s reviews will tell you everything you need to know about them and help you to decide whether they are right for you or not.

In terms of the security features alluded to in the previous section, there are many things Google does to protect its clients. One of the main ways it protects people is by encrypting all data that passes through its servers.

Encryption makes it very difficult for criminals to compromise people’s accounts and steal the information that’s stored within them. They also have mandatory two-factor authentication, which is something that will be explored in more detail in the next section.

One of Google Drive’s best features is DLP (Data Loss Prevention), which prevents data from being lost or ending up in the hands of unauthorized individuals. Google Drive also has advanced threat protection, which actively monitors for signs of a cyberattack.

The minute one is identified, it is attacked. This makes it very difficult for criminals to get into people’s accounts or to access Google’s servers, as they are shut down the minute they try to.

Setting Robust Passwords

Google Drive can protect you, but if you don’t take steps to protect yourself, your accounts will be vulnerable. One of the most effective ways of protecting your data is to set robust passwords. A robust password is one that’s very hard for criminals to guess.

One of the most effective ways of setting a password is to use an online password generator. These tools are widely available and are an extremely effective way for people to set passwords that are hard for cybercriminals to guess.

In addition to setting robust passwords, it’s also a very good idea to enable two-factor authentication. Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your account. Whenever a login attempt is made, a message will be sent to your phone or email inbox with a code.

This code will have to be entered, otherwise the login will not be processed, and the account could theoretically be locked. Google Drive offers two-factor authentication, so you don’t have to rely on any third-party service providers.

Perform Regular Backups

If you want to keep the data stored on your Google Drive account safe, make sure that you perform regular backups. Data theft is not the only way that your data can end up getting lost. Sometimes people’s data is lost because they delete it.

By performing backups, you were able to save your data and protect it in the event of accidental deletion. Bear in mind that data is not immediately deleted by Google, it usually goes to a trash bin where it sits for approximately 30 days.

However, if data is deleted from the trash bin for 30 days. If it elapses, it will be gone forever unless you have a backup made. Backups also come in very handy in the event that Google servers go down and files are deleted, which is not common, but can happen.

If the data you are storing is sensitive, you may also want to store it on another cloud platform too.

By saving it on another cloud platform, you’ll be able to ensure that you never lose it. There are many different cloud providers operating on the web, so you need to find the one that suits you and your needs.

Make sure that before you work with a specific cloud provider, you take time to see what people are saying about them on internet forums and what their reviews look like.

Internet forums are a great resource for people who’re trying to find out whether or not specific cloud providers are worth using, because they give you a glimpse into the minds of current users and tech professionals.

Protect Your Devices

Finally, take steps to protect the devices that you use. Even with two-factor authentication, if your devices are compromised, criminals could access your accounts. The most effective way of protecting your devices is to download and use antivirus software.

Antivirus software is widely available and is without a shadow of a doubt the most effective way for people to keep their devices safe. This software is like the other types mentioned in this post widely available and usually very affordable.

In addition to antivirus software, you need to make sure that you are cautious and selective about who’s allowed to use your devices. This is especially true if you run a business and the devices in question belong to your company.

Most data leaks occur from within, so make sure that you take steps to protect your accounts. Do not let your data fall into the wrong hands, otherwise the consequences could be severe.


Google Drive is one of the best cloud platforms on the web. If you use it, you don’t need to worry about cyberattacks (provided you follow the guidance given here and practice good internet hygiene).

Make sure that you secure your accounts to the best of your ability and do everything you can to protect them, otherwise your data could get stolen.