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Is Blue Lotus Legal?

Is Blue Lotus Legal?

Blue lotus, also known as the blue water lily, is a plant originating from Egypt and Asia. This plant has notorious psychoactive properties, leading some to question whether or not blue lotus is legal, especially as it enters the marketplace in certain smokeable forms.

Our article gives you more details on blue lotus, including information on whether or not this plant is legal and the benefits it may bring.

What Is Blue Lotus?

Blue lotus is a type of water lily that is predominately seen in Egypt, though parts of Asia are also hospitable growing areas for this plant. Blue lotus is known for its psychoactive properties, which come from the presence of apomorphine and nuciferine.

Apomorphine leaves those who take it with a happy and euphoric feeling, and it has been used to help with muscle control in the case of certain diseases like Parkinson’s. Nuciferine leads to feelings of calmness.

Historically, blue lotus has been used as an entheogenic drug, which is one that allows the user to achieve a spiritually or religiously altered consciousness. However, this plant has also been used to treat anxiety, stress, depression, and negative moods.

Is Blue Lotus Legal?

Blue lotus has not been approved for consumption in the United States, though there is no federal law banning the cultivation, sale, and purchase of blue lotus. The two exceptions to this are certain military regulations and the state of Louisiana, which has outlawed the blue lotus plant.

In the majority of areas across the United States, you can find teas, essential oils, and even alcohol infused with blue lotus. Vaping and smoking devices are also becoming a popular source of blue lotus, though smoking this plant hasn’t been studied or approved by the FDA, and doing so may pose a risk.

What Benefits Does Blue Lotus Essential Oil Have?

One of the safest ways to obtain the relaxing, anxiety-reducing, and stress-relieving benefits of the blue lotus plant is to use it as an essential oil.

When diffused, the exotic aroma of blue lotus can provide a tranquil environment, and the aroma may also contribute to improved sleep and the reduction of negative moods.

Where Can I Get Blue Lotus Essential Oil?

Blue lotus essential oil is not the most common essential oil to find. If you want to purchase this item, you may be able to find it in local health and wellness shops or vape shops, or you can purchase a bottle of blue lotus essential oil online from a specialty shop like this.

How Do I Use Blue Lotus Essential Oil?

Blue lotus essential oil can be used in a couple of different ways, with the most popular ways to enjoy this oil being topical or through a diffuser.

We recommend adding blue lotus to your favorite diffuser and enjoying the aroma or using it to enhance a meditation corner or yoga space in your home. The scent of this essential oil boosts well-being and reduces both stress and anxiety.

If you want to use blue lotus essential oil topically, you can add several drops to your favorite skin-friendly carrier oil and massage it gently into your skin. The exotic and floral aroma is known for being especially moisturizing, and the use of blue lotus essential oil in a massage can be rejuvenating.

Keep in mind that it is not safe to consume blue lotus essential oil, and we recommend against using this essential oil in any kind of vaping or smoking device.

Enhance Your Routine With Blue Lotus

Blue lotus essential oil isn’t the most commonly seen essential oil on shelves, though it is quite intoxicating once used.

Blue lotus does have a somewhat controversial history as some use the plant for its psychoactive properties, though the essential oil is widely recognized as simply having relaxation and stress-reducing benefits.

Whether you diffuse this oil or use it topically, you are sure to love the floral scent and benefit from the calming properties of this blue lotus.