7 Poems to Make Her Feel Special

Education7 Poems to Make Her Feel Special

Winning a woman’s heart is all about being consistent, saying and doing the right things, and making her feel that she means a lot to you. But we’ve got your back if you can’t find the right words to express your feelings.

Poetry allows people to express their feelings in unique ways. Statistics show that women are 67% more likely to read poetry than men. So, you can tell her how you feel using poems to make her feel special and appreciated.

This article will tell you about the best poems to show her that you’re the one and guide you to write your own poems. So, let’s dive in.

How Do You Make Her Feel Special

People are different, and what might appeal to your special person might not be someone else’s cup of tea. So whether you’re just getting to know your person or you’ve been together for some time, you must always try to find out about her likes, dislikes, interests, hobbies, fears, aspirations, and dreams.

Learning your partner’s love language will allow you to understand her and express your love better. If you’ve just met the woman of your dreams, spending time together is crucial to help you better understand each other.

You can bond, learn about each other’s past, discuss preferences, and share experiences. However, it’s not always easy to do so, as some people might be worried that they would scare the other person off, and your partner might not feel comfortable sharing everything just yet.

This can also happen if you’ve been together for a while. Many people admit that they don’t know their partners well or feel disconnected although they’ve been together for quite some time.

So, if you want to learn more about this special person in your life, try the following tips.

Ask Her Directly

If you’ve just met your person, the easiest way to get to know her is to ask her. Ask about her childhood, work, family, and friends.

Pay attention to any hints, so if your partner is uncomfortable talking about a topic, let her be. In time, she will be able to trust you and open up about any embarrassing topics that she might not want to share just yet.

Share About Yourself

You can make a person feel a lot easier around you by sharing something personal about yourself. So, if your special person seems shy, you can talk about your likes, dislikes, preferences, and hobbies. This will encourage her to do the same, and you might find a lot in common.

Play a Game

People show their true colors when they play games, so playing a card or board game will be an entertaining opportunity to learn about your person. Is she competitive? Does she accept losses?

Your partner will let her guard down if she’s been cautious about you because the game’s setting is relaxing and less formal. You can tell a lot about a person simply by watching them play.

Take Long Walks or Drives

Planning a date around an activity is fun, but you also need to spend time together where you only focus on each other. Spending hours in the park or by the beach walking and talking can be a chance to break free from everyday stress. You’ll also get an opportunity to talk about your interests and hobbies.

Meet Her Friends and Family

After you’ve spent some time with your person, you can ask if it’s OK to meet her friends and family. Some people will need more time before they’re comfortable enough to do it, so be patient.

If you’re attending an event together, don’t ask too many questions like a detective. Instead, be subtle and show interest without being too pushy.

Remember that your special person might not want to share everything with you, and you should respect her privacy. Ensure you also treat her right and show people how much you respect and appreciate her.

Travel Together

travel togetherYou can’t actually tell what a person is like until you both travel together. Then, you’ll see if your special person likes changes, can accept less-than-perfect conditions, is messy, or simply wants to live in the moment.

Traveling is also an excellent chance to create great memories. The two of you can take a couple of days off to explore a new destination, and this will be a lovely memory you both cherish.

Cook Together

Eating at a fancy restaurant is fun, but nothing beats the intimacy of a home-cooked dinner. So, whether you choose her place or yours, you can enjoy everything about this experience, from grocery shopping and preparation to a delicious meal.

From the moment you plan this activity, you’ll notice a lot about this special person in your life. Does she like surprises? Will she let you decide? Just ensure she’s not allergic to any of the ingredients you’re using.

While you’re both cooking, you’ll see if she’s messy, intolerant, fun, or too bossy. Even if you end up ordering pizza because it didn’t turn out as delicious as you planned, you’ll still enjoy this experience.

Do a DIY Project Together

You can ask your partner if she would like to help with a DIY project, or you can do something special for her. Many people argue during home improvement and DIY projects, but seeing how you both resolve conflict will tell you a lot about her.

Examples of Poems to Make Her Feel Special

Poems can be an indirect way to show someone how much they mean to you. Even if your woman isn’t fond of poetry, poems’ rhyming words and inner music will help deliver your message.

Using poems, you can tell her your deepest feelings without being too intense. Here are some of the best poems to show your love and emotions.

1. I Carry Your Heart with Me

I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart)

I am never without it (anywhere

I go you go, my dear; and whatever is done

by only me is you’re doing, my darling)

I fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet)

I want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)

And it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant

And whatever a sun will always sing is you.

Here is the deepest secret nobody knows

(ere is the root of the root and the bud of the bud

and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows

higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)

And this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart

I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart)

by E. E. Cummings

First published in 1952, the poet says their relationship is like no other. He explains that this love is like fate, and he fears nothing more than losing it. You can send this poem to someone you’ve spent time with, telling her she’s the one.

2. A Brief Love Letter

My darling, I have much to say

Where o precious one shall I begin?

All that is in you is princely

O you who makes of my words through their meaning

Cocoons of silk

These are my songs and this is me

This short book contains us

Tomorrow when I return its pages

A lamp will lament

A bed will sing

By Nizar Qabbani

The Syrian poet describes his feelings when he finally meets his love. He says she is like a princess, and everything about her is so majestic. Your special person will be moved if you gift her this poem after a long separation due to any work or travel.

3. Happy Birthday

I’m wishing you a birthday

You never will forget,

A day packed full of pleasure,

Your very best birthday yet.

And when your birthday’s over,

I’m wishing quite sincerely

That happiness and joy and fun

Will fill your birthdays yearly!

By Joanna Fuchs

There’s no better chance than someone’s birthday to tell them how much they mean to you. In this poem, the poet wishes this special lady a happy birthday full of fun and joy. She also hopes that this special person will always experience those positive feelings.

4. She Walks in Beauty

She walks in beauty, like the night

Of cloudless climes and starry skies;

And all that’s best of dark and bright

Meet in her aspect and her eyes;

Thus mellowed to that tender light

Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,

Had half impaired the nameless grace

Which waves in every raven tress,

Or softly lightens o’er her face;

Where thoughts serenely sweet express,

How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.

By Lord Byron

Do you want to tell someone you love her from the inside out? This poem will deliver this sentimental message as the poet describes the beauty of his lover, saying that it’s as magical as the night. He also talks about her grace, purity, and sweet expressions.

5. The Kiss

She pressed her lips to mind.

—a typo

How many years I must have yearned

for someone’s lips against mind.

Pheromones, newly born, were floating

between us. There was hardly any air.

She kissed me again, reaching that place

that sends messages to toes and fingertips,

then all the way to something like home.

Some music was playing on its own.

Nothing like a woman who knows

to kiss the right thing at the right time,

then kisses the things she’s missed.

How had I ever settled for less?

By Stephen Dunn

You can tell this remarkable woman in your life how much you yearn for a kiss by sharing this contemporary poem by Stephen Dunn. He describes how her kiss made him feel and how nothing compares to it.

the kiss

6. Love and Harmony

Love and harmony combine,

And round our souls entwine

While thy branches mix with mine,

And our roots together join.

Joys upon our branches sit,

Chirping loud and singing sweet;

Like gentle streams beneath our feet

Innocence and virtue meet.

Thou the golden fruit dost bear,

I am clad in flowers fair;

Thy sweet boughs perfume the air,

And the turtle buildeth there.

By William Blake

In this poem, the poet is talking about the power of a union. He speaks of the beauty of harmony between two souls in a serious relationship. If your lover is having cold feet regarding taking the next step in your relationship, this poem might encourage her.

7. Echo

think I was searching for treasures or stones

in the clearest of pools

when your face…

when your face,

like the moon in a well

where I might wish…

might well wish

for the iced fire of your kiss;

only on water my lips, where your face…

where your face was reflected, lovely,

not really there when I turned

to look behind at the emptying air…

the emptying air.

By Carol Ann Duffy

You can tell your person that finding her is like a wish come true. In this poem, the poet is talking about how empty life is without the love of their person. This poem will make her feel that you would do anything so you don’t ever lose her.

Poetry Writing Tips

In addition to sending someone a poem written by a renowned poet, you can also try to write your own. So don’t worry if you think you’re not a great poet because your genuine feelings will shine through.

Writing poetry isn’t always easy. You might have brilliant ideas but don’t know how to phrase them to create a poem that speaks your mind. The following tips might help you.

  • Read a lot of poetry and try to understand the hidden meaning of the words.
  • Explore different poetry types to find the one you relate to the most.
  • Attend live poetry recitations at bookshops, libraries, and even coffeehouses. You can attend one of these events with this extraordinary woman in your life.
  • Start with a short haiku or rhyming poem, and don’t worry about how it sounds. Even if it lacks the inner music, the meaning will be profound.
  • Don’t worry if you can’t come up with the first line. You can get back to it later.
  • Use a thesaurus or rhyming dictionary to find words for your poem.
  • Try to be genuine no matter how hard it seems. Make sure that your poem tells a story or speaks your mind.
  • Use different figures of speech to paint a vivid image in the reader’s mind.
  • Connect with other poets in your community or through online forums.

Wrap Up

Using poetry to tell this special woman in your life how you feel about her will definitely make her realize how much she means to you. Whether you’ve known her for a long time or just getting to know her, you should try to understand what she is like and what she likes.

There are several amazing poems that you can use to express your feelings. But don’t hesitate to write your own if you can’t find one you relate to. It might not be perfect, but it’s unique, and she knows that you’ve written it just for her.

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